Links for ARC Reviewers

Hello ARC reviewers, my favorites of favorites!

Sometimes managing pre-release stuff on Amazon can be tricky, so this page will contain up-to-date links to make things easy for ARC Team reviewers.

June 12, 2017 UPDATE: Paperback edition is currently up on Amazon, so please leave reviews there until the ebook edition goes live next week.

If you read and enjoyed Mated by Moonlight, please leave an Amazon review right here!

The book isn’t up on Goodreads yet, either, but I’ll post a link here when it is. Leaving a review there isn’t required for ARC Team members, but if you’re a Goodreads user and feel like taking a moment to rate my book, I’d be really grateful for your extra effort.

If you enjoy my work, and somehow haven’t actually signed up for the ARC Team mailing list yet, please do that here. That will ensure we stay in touch, and that you’ll receive a free ARC edition of my next novel. You keep reviewing ’em, and I’ll keep sending ’em!

If you have any problems or questions, please shoot me an email at

Thank you so much for your support. Y’all rock more than words can say. –Lucy